Our story is one of rebirth and replant.
Our community was founded about 20 years ago, and was formerly known as Berean Bible Church. Â Over time, God challenged us to rediscover and recommit to being a church that centers everything upon the gospel of Jesus Christ. For many years, we wrestled, investigating the Bible, getting help from others, praying. In 2008, Redeeming Grace Church was reborn.
We joined the Acts 29 church planting network in 2009. Through this affiliation, we began to be influenced by the Soma Family of Churches in Tacoma, Washington. This is where we began to rediscover the apostolic church seen in the books of Acts: the church is a family of missionaries dedicated to serve the community in all ways possible as we learn to be more like Jesus. Our hunger is not just to talk “family†and “missionâ€: It is to actually live it.
We believe that church is not simply a Sunday event but is about the 6 days and 22 hours.
We believe that the church is not a building, it is the people living on mission 24/7.
We are not a church for ourselves, but for the community, and church planting is integral to that.
In 2010, we decided to split the church into two sites and sent 25 of our family members north to Pacifica to better minister to our Bay Area communities to start our first church plant. We also sent some of our leaders and people to join like-minded churches in their neighborhoods.
RGC, like any family, has many parts and is constantly changing, sometimes growing, and sometimes shrinking. In 2018, after sending off a number of our family members to new communities around the US and abroad, we were re-joined by our Pacifica family members.
Our story does not end here. We look forward to seeing how God will be leading us in the next phase of our story.