Missional Communities

The mission of God is to restore all things to himself in and through the work and person of Jesus Christ. His chosen vehicle through which he is accomplishing that mission is the church.

The church is the family of God called to together to himself and sent out on his mission. Missional Communities are the primary means through which RGC mobilizes people together on mission and connects people to a caring community.


A Missional Community consists of a committed core of believers (FAMILY) who live out the mission of God together (MISSIONARIES) in a specific area or to a particular people group by demonstrating the gospel in tangible forms (SERVANTS) and declaring the gospel to others— both those who believe it and those who are being exposed to it (LEARNERS).

To clarify, a Missional Community is NOT primarily a small group, Bible study, support group, social activist group, or weekly meeting.

Our hope is that every person who is committed to the RGC family and mission will be fully involved in a missional community and eventually the missional communities in a region will multiply and together form a new expression of Redeeming Grace.

Consider this…

The life of the church as recorded in Acts 2:42-47 came as a result of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit into the lives of a people collectively committed to the mission of God. The description we read about in Acts was not the means of becoming a great church, but the results of God working through a people committed to him and his mission.

We believe God is still more committed to his mission being accomplished then us having our preferred church experience. Missional Communities exist to partner with God to further his mission in every part of our region.